We are communicationsexperts who supportfounders, business angelsand venture capitalists inbuilding a strong networkand shaping their externalperception. Throughstrategic communicationand press work, we createawareness, build narrativesand deepen networksbetween investors, teamsand customers.
We aim to add value andfoster our clients’ growthacross multiple dimensions.Combining our trustedrelationships with the press,and the power of what wecall «holistic networking»,our mission is to createvaluable connections, makethe right introductions, andbuild a reputation thatworks in your favour. Withdeep subject-matterexpertise across ourindustry cohorts, we ensurethat all stakeholdersbenefit.
We orchestrate relevantpress coverage in leadingpublications via our trustednetwork.
This ensures that you areseen and talked about inthe most relevantpublications for yourindustry, targetinginvestors, employees,partners and customers.
We co-create yourcommunications strategyand find the right words forhow you want the world tosee you.
From devising yourcommunications strategy topreparing your launchcommunication, we aredistributing content to theright crowd and prepareyou for interviews andpanels.
We leverage the power ofour network to youradvantage, depending onyour needs.
Connecting your companywith the right audience atthe right time is our coreexpertise - from investorintros to event invitations,speaking opportunities,corporate connections andmore.
Our clients choose topartner with us becausethey value our deepunderstanding of the techbehind their products, andour reliable network toshare that knowledge with.
By allocating our clients toindustry-specific cohorts,we build brand awarenessand achieve the bestpossible coverage for eachbusiness within itsrespective sector.
Our mission is to bring yourvision out into the world. Asyour partner, our main goalis to strengthen your brandawareness and amplify yourgrowth.